Hoxton Health was set up in 1987 to:

  • Enable older people to lead independent lives within the community;
  • Improve the mobility of service users;
  • Offer services users coping strategies to deal with chronic degenerative diseases;
  • Reduce isolation;
  • Help older people make informed choices regarding their health care.

Better health and well-being is associated with greater personal resilience so we run low-cost and free specialised and supported exercise classes and provide a range of one-to-one therapies which put older people at their heart.

Starting with acupuncture and homeopathy, the services expanded to meet demand and we now offer acupuncture, craniosacral therapy, reflexology and different types of massage including Aromatherapy and Postural Re-Education, reflexology and we also offer a toe-nail cutting service.

Hoxton Health is a charity (Reg. Charity No 1127769) and limited company (Reg. Company No 6766670), with a Board of Trustees who meet six times a year.


Gerry Harris

Alison Apthorpe

Alevizos Alevizakos (Treasurer)

Beverley Morris

Liz Hughes, Lynne Bamgboye
Ruth Kifle


Fatima Bailey (Acupuncture)

Paula Branch (Foot Health / Reflexology/Indian head massage)

John Philbin (Acupuncture)

Rose Maxwell (Deep tissue Massage)

Rosemary Mason (Massage)

Angelia Schiesches (Cranio-sacral Therapy)

Annmarie O’Sullivan (Osteopathy) 


We are lucky to have been chosen by Munro Health to continue their legacy, When they closed recently.

Munro Health was set up by complementary health pioneer Lucille Munroe in the 1990’s, when as a practitioner, Lucille saw how effective treatments are for older people. You can read all about Lucille and the history of Munro Health here: https://www.munrohealth.com/about22

Munro Health offered treatments free to those most in need, working at a neighbourhood level. There is detail of the dedicated work they did here: https://www.munrohealth.com/projects

When unfortunately Munro Health closed its doors, we are very grateful to have been chosen to continue their work.  We are using the funding to treat people referred through the NHS who are most in need of complementary treatments.

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