It’s a challenge being isolated at home. Nothing like this has ever happened to me. I’ve always joked that if I was in prison I would like to be in solitary confinement but now I am starting to see what a harsh punishment that is.
I like being left alone with my thoughts, but I am finding it very difficult to do the things I feel I should. I have a to-do list but I can’t quite make myself start it in any organised way but I know that if I got to the end of this social distancing and I hadn’t crossed everything off I will have very little self-respect left.
What I have started doing is Adrien’s 30 day yoga challenge. She’s delightful and although the first one is called Ease into it, it’s going to be a challenge.
What are you doing in your social distancing? I know some people have isolated themselves with specific friends, some completely alone at home.
It’s a time to keep in touch with everyone we know who might be lonely, frightened and vulnerable.
Keep well.